The One I Finally Got My Hands On...
The story for this one isn't the usual "finally got round to picking this up" situation. I used to own MAC's Shy Girl long before I ever really started blogging. But back in the day (which you can take a gander at using my archive), I was incredibly brown - yes, this story dates back to a time of paid for family holidays and pre-full time job - and Shy Girl just didn't work with the hefty tan I was rocking. It remained stashed at the back of the stocks until about a year ago when I gave it away (note to self: don't give things away, just cut the lipstick off and put it in your back to MAC box - DOH!).
But recently I've seen it popping up everywhere, and a few months back my friend revealed she didn't want hers anymore, and that I could have it to test out again. This didn't really work due to the fact she lives around 100 miles away, and after spotting in again and again on various websites and videos I took the plunge and visited MAC several times in attempt to get my hands on it. It's not as hard to track down as Hue was, but still a trixy little one.
Ramble aside, it's the lipstick you're here for, non? It's a creamy, warm nude that looks far too orange if you smear it on (especially on me with my stupidly pink lips), but dabbed on - that's where the magic happens - a trick I must have missed all those years ago. A quick dab all over reveals a nude/peach colour that works wonderfully with a matching peachy blush (note: the Bourjois cream blush in 01 is a wonderful affordable counterpart), and has bumped Shy Girl up to handbag status. Perfect with everyday minimal makeup, or to support a heavier evening look.
The moral of this story, kids? Don't give your lipsticks away. Ever.
But recently I've seen it popping up everywhere, and a few months back my friend revealed she didn't want hers anymore, and that I could have it to test out again. This didn't really work due to the fact she lives around 100 miles away, and after spotting in again and again on various websites and videos I took the plunge and visited MAC several times in attempt to get my hands on it. It's not as hard to track down as Hue was, but still a trixy little one.
Ramble aside, it's the lipstick you're here for, non? It's a creamy, warm nude that looks far too orange if you smear it on (especially on me with my stupidly pink lips), but dabbed on - that's where the magic happens - a trick I must have missed all those years ago. A quick dab all over reveals a nude/peach colour that works wonderfully with a matching peachy blush (note: the Bourjois cream blush in 01 is a wonderful affordable counterpart), and has bumped Shy Girl up to handbag status. Perfect with everyday minimal makeup, or to support a heavier evening look.
The moral of this story, kids? Don't give your lipsticks away. Ever.
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